Avenues and Alleyways...
These narrow alleyways are dotted everywhere throughout the village and provide useful shortcuts... sometimes you end up where you least expect it!
Please click HERE for other Mono participants!
Postat av: Aileni
It is strange - there is a marked sense of 'the worm-hole effect'. Maybe my peculiar brain but there is a kind of rushing movement in the image.
The picture is also full of story possibilities.
Postat av: Synnöve
Riktigt spännande att svänga av in på en sådan bakgata alltså...
Postat av: Dragonstar
So narrow and tall, and the effect is increased by all those lines. Excellent. And the walking figure enhances everything.
Congratulations on being chosen for the Wall.
Postat av: Quasi Serendipita
Great image. I like the textures in the bricks. The figure is a little ominous!
Postat av: Bokmalen
Härlig bild!! ;) Lite halvkusligt, nästan...
Kramen, Maria
Postat av: John McDevitt
Great perspective and the figure in the back makes the image.