Give me strength!
Jag: Hello, I've received a letter stating that I didn't attend my appointment on March 25th. I didn't know I HAD an appointment on the 25th.
Sur dam: Ok.
Jag: Well, It further states that I've been struck off the register due to failing to attend and that I need to see my GP to be referred again.
Sur dam: Yes.
Jag: I just find it a bit strange that I have been struck off for not attending an appointment I didn't know about. Shouldn't I get a letter stating I have an appointment in the first place?
Sur och störig dam: There was a letter sent to you.
Jag: How do you know? I haven't even told you who I am yet?
Sur, störig och ointresserad dam: You need to see your GP so that he can refer you back. I can't make you another appointment from here. It won't let me.
Jag: What? The system?
Dam med Robot-röst: Yes, You need to see your GP.
Jag: Ok...So I need to see my GP to be referred to the Diabetes Consultant whom I have been seeing for years?
Uttråkad dam som säkert himlar med ögonen: Yes
Jag: Just because I didn't show up for an appointment I wasn't aware about?
Dam utan någon som helst Customer Service känsla: That is correct.
Jag (skrattar): Ok- I will do that. Thanks for all your help...!
It reminds me of the time when I discovered that I had been cut off the Provincial hospital and medical insurance. This was in the days when you had to pay much as you would if you had private insurance. If you were below a certain income level, you had to go in every three months and fill out a form about why you couldn't afford to pay.
I called the OHIP office and spoke to a woman about this problem:
Me: I appear to have been cut off OHIP. I never received a notice about this and only found out when I went to my doctor.
She: You shouldn't have received a notice from us.
Me: You mean I SHOULD have received a notice from you.
She: No. You should have known you were cut off when you did not receive a notice from us.
Me: That doesn't make any sense. I have NEVER received any notices from you and I have always been covered. Now I am not. How was I supposed to know that I was in danger of losing my insurance coverage?
She: You should have known when you didn't receive a letter from us.... Now that you have been cut off, you have to reapply and you won't get reinstated for 6 months.
Me: WHAT! That makes absolutely no sense at all. What the Hell am I supposed to do if I get sick!?
She: Don't use that kind of language with me, I'm a God fearing woman... SLAM!
I called back and she slammed the phone down each time she heard my voice and refused to let me speak to someone else.
I finally wrote to the Minister of Health and he, personally, wrote me a letter ordering them to reinstate me.
When I went down to the office, it looked like something out of a Dickens novel. The clerks all sat up very high behind a big wooden counter and you had to stand on tiptoes to talk to them.
As a citizen, I am entitled to free health care and at that time, they treated me like I was a pan-handler. Ironically, I got the same woman who I spoke to on the phone and when I started to tell her the problem, she replied with the "You can't get reinstated for six months. And I don't know who told you differently".
She changed her tune when she read the letter from the Minister of Health and I was immediately reinstated.
Thank GOD these days you don't have to reapply every three months. You are covered for life unless you move out of the Province.
Godmorgon :)
allt väl?
Jisses! Vilka trista, sura människor det finns.
Det verkar vara fel i systemet oavsett vilket land man bor i...
Hoppas det löser sig. :)
Efter att ha läst både ditt inlägg OCH Mudhooks kommentar-inlägg, kunde jag inte bestämma mig för om jag skulle skratta hysteriskt eller gråta. Kanske skratta tills man gråter? Jag kunde i alla fall höra/se det hela framför mig (the high wooden counter) och tycker absolut att det kunde göra sig i en sketch a la Monty Python!
Otroligt! Jag tror att det enda som hjälper är att slå dem i huvudet med en spade...
Varför ska du ha det bättre än någon annan? ;) Låter precis som här hemma.
Man ska vara glad man inte är dödssjuk och behöver läkarvård. Vad skulle hända då tro?
men men men... HAHSHAAHAHAHAH!!!!! Vilken? "Du har fått en kallelse"... men du har inte sagt ditt namn... ???... vilken tant! Hahahhahahah!
Så där låter jag (som surtanten) när det ringer försäljar til mig. De får inte en endaste grej sålt till mig!