Mono- St George

As we walked around Esher today, we passed a small church hidden from the main road...It's called St George's and isn't really used for "worship" anymore. As I'm a sod for old cemeteries, I couldn't help myself taking a few photographs of the memorials and stunning headstones scattered around the old church itself...

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Has he lost his sword? Dragons rejoice...
Ser att du ställer upp med svartvitt också. Jag lägger upp en bild på ikväll.
Hårda kontraster du har här. Statyn blir väldigt framträdande av det. Snyggt!
Man kan finne mye spesielt og mange fine motiver på gamle kirkegårder - slik du viser her.
Just loved the photo with the clock. Old churches are so great to see, allways :-)
Vilka fina bilder!! Härligt gamla!! ;)
Kramen, Maria
Jag fullständigt älskar dina bilder.
Den här är inget undantag! Och de hårda kontrasterna ger mig gåshud, av välbehag.
Det är verkligen något alldeles särskilt att vandra runt på kyrkogårdar.
Ha en fin vecka!
Kram Anna
Excellent photos!
I work in a cemetery caring for the flowers and momuments and love the way you presented these photos. The detail, shadows and lighting are ouitstanding.
Excellent picture. I'm so glad that it didn't stay hidden from you.
i dont really like the pic. it somehow makes me feel a certain sadness. :)
Very touching shot.
I like the 'grittiness' in the main shot
Quite nice ... I too love old cemeteries ..