1200pm (BST) FROM Andrew Caspari, Radio 4, in central control room
It appears they had the problem with the cryogenics at 4 this morning but it came right in time. It could have been very different as the head of acceleration points out you really don't know what is going to happen.
1155am (BST) FROM Andrew Caspari, Radio 4, in central control room
One of the screens here that is almost entirely green has got a few spots of red on it. That means a few magnets are a bit warmer than they should be. Operations manager Paul Collier says it is not a big worry but will delay the anticlockwise beam by about 45 minutes.
Hmm..undrar vilket band Paul Collier var med i?
Gitarr... trummor ???? SPELA ROLL!!!!!! Det hela gör mej skitnödig! och nej... NEEEEEJ inga mer musiker!!! Jag blundar jag blundar!!!
Ja googla.... det skulle jag inte ha gjort, Paul collier ser galen ut!!!
Det här med trummor är i alla fall rätt!!!
du skulle bara våga!