Small detail from a lovely church in the tiny fishing village of Beer...

Click HERE for other participants of "the Weekend in Black & White"...
Blue Monday...
Systers tema i veckans fotoutmaning är giftig...Jag har faktiskt en hel del giftigheter i mina köksskåp!

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The weekend...
Mellow Yellow...
A little bit of yellow to brighten up this cloudy (and soon to be very wet!) day.

Click HERE for other Mellow Yellow participants!
Weekend in B&W...
My contribution to this edition of the Black and White Weekend...
Flowers which actually look better without colour...at Wisley Gardens last weekend.

Please click HERE for other contributors of lots of gorgeous Monochrome!
The weekend in B&W...
My contribution for this week's B&W weekend comes from St Mary's Church of Long Ditton, Surrey.
Silhuett är temat i systers Fotoutmaning...
Har ingen speciell ork eller lust till att blogga för tillfället...Det blir så ibland! Men ett foto kan jag väl slänga ut? ;)

Klicka HÄR för andra deltagare!
B/W Weekend
Leith Hill Tower in Surrey, UK.
A long trek up the top of the hill (which resulted in very tired legs!) was rewarded by coffee and cake from a little serving hatch before we climbed the winding staircase to the top of the Tower. The view was breathtaking but we didn't stay up there too long as the height made my legs a tad wobbly!

Please visit other Monochrome Maniacs HERE!
It's all the little things...
Lila & Gul...
Lila & Gul är temat i systers Fotoutmaning denna vecka. Lila OCH gul? Det fick lov att bli blomster...

The Laburnum Walk- Hampton Court Palace
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Macro Lovers...

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Have wings...Will fly!
En härligt varm försommardag avslutades med en ljummen kväll på balkongen igår...Dessa moln visade sig i ca tio minuter innan de blåste bort och himmelen blev klarblå igen...

Klicka HÄR för andras Värme-bidrag!
Monochrome Weekend
This can be found in St Martha's Church...which is located at the top of a very steep hill which took us about an hour to climb. Was it worth it? Absolutely!

Please click HERE for other participants!
Wordless Wednesday
Peacock suit...
Lillasysters fotoutmaning har temat Djur denna vecka...och det finns ju hur många som helst att välja på!

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There be dragons?
A cluster of Dragon's teeth about to be swallowed up by nature next to the river Wey in Surrey.

These tank traps formed part of the GHQ line during World War II.
Please click HERE for other Mono participants!